Long time since I posted.
I have been playing around a TINY bit with Skyrim.
It seems interesting to say the least. But of course I will have to watch a little more in detail ho the community there is. Because I have yet to really get a nice set up.
I am nearly vanilla besides a few mods that were recommended.
I eventually need to get a full set up there.
Now because of this I have learned about something called Bodyslide made by Caliente.
It seems rather interesting. I did not do much reading on it. I tend to get lazy in that department, that and I am much more of a visual person. Anyway Playing with the tool, I actually managed to make a couple of bodies.
Femboy Front 100% |
Femboy Side 100% |
I did a Femboy body, which I may remake.
Or use the Oblivion
one. The reason for this is wanted for it to be a male who is very
feminine (should not be too hard using a female body right?) Where
here's where the issue came about. When making the 100% weight body it
came out to be a bit too manly. Also maybe a bit unsexy. It seems to be
too straight. Maybe I put too much emphasis on making it manly. So I
will play around with it sometime soon so I can make it look like a real
femmeboi XD.
Femboy Back 100% |
Femboy Side 0% |
is the femboy 0% fat.This version looks like it came out a bit better. I
like how it has noticably small frame and breast that could be a males
maybe under a little time using hormones. This weighting of the body
has more soft features and will probably be swapped in the future as the
100% body and maybe make the other one skinier. Worst case scenario if I
do not fully like it I will make the femmeboi body from oblivion the
one I use, though I will have to figure out how I will do 0% and 100%.
Maybe this is why I prefer to do body slide :D.
Femboy Back 0% |
HS Big Boobs Back 0% |
HS Big Boobs Front 0% |
Now to other things, this is the bigger body which of course is for me my personal preference.
decided to make this body a body that can start small and go further
up, So here you'll notice that this body is kind of close to an average
body. Nothing amazingly special about it just has fairly big boobs and a
slightly bigger waist. at Zero weight this body has potential but I may
play around with it and make it resemble a little more closely the main
body (the 100% weight I call main).
Big Boobs Back Side 0% |
HS Big Boobs back 100% |
This body is the one I like most. It looks pretty close to the CHSBHC as that is closest to the body type I like, but some features do not sell me. So what I did was made this body with that body and the Suicup body in mind. The cool thing would be if I could convert it to Skyrim, the suicup body. But the thing is
Speedbuster somewhere mentioned not to convert her work to other games and I will 100% respect any rule she makes. So therefore there will be no Sui Cup in Skyim. At least it would not be coming from me.
HS Big boobs Front 100% |
So far these bodies are looking good with the exception of the 100% femboy. I will spend more time on Bodyslide and see what happens. BTW Sorry for the ugly looking character and set up. As mentioned I am not 100% ready to play. I need to get the set up and nice cute modded clothing like I did in Oblivion so then I can play. If I had to choose a favorite I would say the 2nd body is my personal favorite at 100%. I think that it came out closest to final. I would love to see it in Oblivion even. But not right now XD.
Over all I love that Bodyslide tool, the only issues I have are how do I get textures going with it and where can I get compatible hands? My hands seem so out of place here. I guess as I stop being busy and tired of reading I can make some time and read up on it. :).
-Happysparkles :)