So after something it has come to the point that I am considering doing Skyrim Mods.
am still going to be focusing mainly on Oblivion, but I will be seeing
how Skyrim works out. Luckily some of my issues with Skyrim are being
resolved from a Posting
That can be found here.
I do Skyrim mods I may be doing my own body from scratch and it will
either be realistic or non realistic but will more then likely have big
for Skyrim, I will probably be combining the Female and Transsexual
mods, but I will probably NOT be posting the Transsexual work Nexus
since someone gave me the heads up stating that there are some people
who report it as inappropriate which is sad.
is all tentative at the time since I will try to undergo MAJOR training
and will also convert some of the items to both games (not all but
some). Skyrim may or may not happen. I am also waiting for my Friends
reply since me and my pal may be working together. I am also willing to
collaborate with other workers of Transgender mods. My main focal point
on the Skyrim mods will be the Transsexuals because I feel they are
under represented and only a few people try to keep them going.
case Scenario I am open to working on the bodies that are already in
Skyrim too. I am not a closed minded person and always willing to
adjust. Also Oblivion Fans do not worry I will continue to do my Suicup
Female and TS-BTRA mods on Oblivion, but I respect
wish that she had somewhere posted on her blog about converting her
stuff to other games which is a NO NO. I am not sure exactly where she
said it but she did. Now for Skyrim I am also posted this on the Lovers
Lab forums but I will post here too because I really need to find some
guidance in this respect.
I need to learn how to do
texture maps, I've spoken to many people but never truly found a "Right"
way to make it. I am kind of tired of using Google to find textures. I
want my textures to map around my UV Map.
A couple of other things I am in process of figuring out in Skyrim are these issues.
1) When your HP is low you get this annoying screen effect
2) When you die the annoying screen effects are still there.
3) you cannot move camera when dead
4) 90% of the time when you die you do the damn curtsy dance. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFPJVI9-ng)
5) The bouncing boobs and ass are VERY glitchy and not as you know well weighed like DMRA in Oblivion. (Kind of will be testing the links in 2 weeks)
6) Armor is upper and lower in one piece (though many modders found a way around that
7) You cannot see camera rotate view when walking etc IE the Front view to watch my boobies bounce.
8) Which mods can make me make VERY cute character. (Female and ofc males) like Rens beauty pack. (Kind of satisfied but need it for all races :) )
9) Very Feminine body movement replacement mods (maybe
even some that effect male and female gender) (Will be verifying links
in 2 weeks for this)
Once this happens I am willing to play around with Skyrim Modding a bit.
PS: All Screenshots are from Oblivion!